11 Gift Ideas for Student Teachers

A good student teacher quickly becomes a part of your classroom family. When it is time for a beloved student teacher to leave your classroom, many teachers want to give a gift to say goodbye. Some teachers choose to give a practical gift that the student teacher can use in their future classroom, others choose to give sentimental keepsakes as a reminder of the sweet students they taught in your classroom. I've gathered up a list of 11 gift ideas to help inspire you as you search for the perfect gift for your departing student teacher.
1. Books for Their Classroom Library
The school I taught at during my first year teaching had very few books for students to use. I had to build a classroom library with hand-me downs, and what I could afford to purchase at second hand stores. Building a classroom library can be expensive! Give your student teacher a hand by gifting them a few of your favorite read aloud books. You can have your students sign the inside cover to create a special keepsake. If your class participates in Scholastic Book Clubs, you can even use your Scholastic points to order free books to gift to your student teacher.
2. A Professional Development Book
My first year of teaching was full of challenges. I was always researching to make sure I was doing things the "right" way. A well written professional development book can be a invaluable resource to new teachers. Some popular titles for new teachers are: The First Six Weeks of School, The First Year Teacher's Checklist, The First Days of School, Teach Like a Pirate, or The Essential 55.
3. A Teacher Apron
Many lower elementary school teachers like to wear aprons to keep all of their supplies within arms reach. I found a cute personalized teacher apron in DesignsbyANM's Etsy shop here.
4. A Teacher Bag
Every teacher needs a teacher bag to help them haul their work to and from school. I found these two cute options available on Etsy.
This first bag can be personalized with the teacher's name and a fun pencil design. It can be ordered in 6 different colors. You can find it in NickelNDimesDesigns's Etsy store here.
This second option is a super cute handmade tote that can be embroidered with the teacher's name. You can also add an optional matching pouch. You can find it in FourPeasinaPodDesign's Etsy store here. *Note that adding a zipper closure to the tote costs extra.
5. A Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Card
A Teacher Pay Teachers gift card is a great time-saving option for a new teacher. They can use their gift card to purchase anything from a class decor pack, to a year-long morning work set to help get their new classroom off to a great start. You can purchase TPT gift cards here.
6. Handwritten Notes From Your Students
Student teachers quickly become part of your classroom family and they can quickly become attached to the students in your classroom. Your student teacher will want to remember the special students they met in your classroom. Have your students write a letter, or decorate a card for your student teacher. They will treasure these notes from your students for years to come. I still have handwritten notes from the students I taught when I was student teaching. I love to look back and remember the sweet little students that I got the opportunity to teach years ago.
6. A Personalized Clip Board
A clipboard can be a great organizational tool for teachers. They can use it to easily keep class lists, assessment data, behavior plans, etc. close at hand. I found this cute personalized clipboard on in ModernDayMartha's shop on Etsy here.
7. A Teacher's Survival Kit
You can create a Teacher's Survival Kit by putting together all the little things that can help make a busy day of teaching just a little bit easier. Find a cute container and gather up some classroom essentials that any teacher would be glad to have. Some items you might want to add to your kit are:
a whistle
sticky notes
hand sanitizer
whiteboard markers
chart paper makers
paper clips
teacher scissors (I love these)
binder clips
a nice stapler and staples
emergency teacher snacks
a notepad
a clipboard
hand cream
nice pens (I love these)
lip balm
a nice water bottle
breath mints
stain remover pen (These have good reviews)
If you would like some cute printable tags to go with your survival kit, you can get them in EmilyEnterain's Etsy store here.
8. A Fun Lanyard

Teacher's always need a lanyard or badge holder to keep their ID cards and key fobs handy. I found this cute pencil lanyard on Etsy, it can even be personalized with the future teacher's name. Find it in ArtwithMrsNguyen's Etsy shop here.
10. Personalized Stationary

Sending notes home is more fun when you have fun stationary to write on! You can order personalized stationary for your student teacher's future classroom in PinkAppleParties Etsy Shop here.
11. A Letter of Recommendation
It won't be long before your student teacher in applying for their first teaching job. Help them get a jump start on their applications by writing them a letter of recommendation they can use in their applications.
Do you have an idea for a gift that a student teacher will love? Share it in the comments below.